what we offer.
& services
At the Rehabilitation Society of Calgary, we offer various activities for members to participate in and learn from, with new ones always in development!
Take a look at what we offer below.
A unique weekly class offered in a 3-semester format provides a setting for fun, laughter and joke for individuals with a very wide range of verbal and literacy skills. Everyone gets a safe space to have a positive experience of being ‘center-stage’ with a supportive and appreciative audience. Our talented facilitator has many years of teaching humour/comedy skills to special needs groups, encouraging self-confidence, language skills and interpersonal relationships.
Some of the class are able to have fun and perform in the weekly class, and some continue on through to the annual show for family and friends. It is a unique evening Stand-Up Comedy performance in Comedy Club style. This class must be seen/experienced to be appreciated, and we invite you to come in see it for yourself.
Contract Work
Available intermittently as we find light assembly, labelling, packaging type projects and contracts from the business community. 100% of contract fee from these projects is returned to those working on them, on a pro-rated hours worked basis, not piece work. This provides a very small honorarium paid out on a once-monthly basis.
Lunch-In is a time we are all together. A balanced, hot meal for is available if ordered by 11:00, and people are also welcome to bring their own lunch if they prefer. We mark birthdays and individual special days or accomplishments, and IN TOUCH shares any news or upcoming Rehab events. FOOD SHARE is available to regular attending paid members as available. Several community food security partners donate items that help stretch tight food budgets, and these are distributed for take home assistance.
Most activities are on a drop-in, mix and match basis. Scheduled activities are listed on the monthly calendar as they change with member interests. This can include things such as Movie & Popcorn, In-House Bingo, Crib Club, Zoom-Along Chair Exercise, General Literacy Class, or Art Projects. In the mornings there is always a snack and informal chat space. There are computer stations available for individual use any time. From time-to-time we have an evening dinner and social event, with a modest ticket price.
Four couples in hoedown gear and wheelchairs demonstrate square dance moves.
Many of our members choose to participate in the running of ‘their own place’, and, supported by a small staff, they cover a wide variety of tasks. Some jobs are run in teams, such as Reception, Garden, Housekeeping, Kitchen and Special Events. Some choose volunteer at our fundraising bingos held at 5-Star Bingo hall. Some members co-facilitate/facilitate classes or activities.
Half of our Board of Directors positions are held by participant members, for those who have attended long enough to be familiar with our philosophy and culture and who are interested in directions and decisions for Rehab. We make an effort to find, create or customize volunteer responsibilities for individuals with specific individual interests, abilities or needs.
Celebration is always a good thing! Our Celebration Events vary between lunch/early afternoon and evenings, but generally include a meal, a dance, plus some theme related activities. Ticket price varies between no charge, 10.00 to 20.00 for some events, and a little more for the Christmas Gala (see calendar for specific info). We are very happy to welcome member’s guests, families, supported roommates etc. to join in the fun. If a support person/worker is required in order for a member to attend, there is no charge for that person.
Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Stampede Brunch, Hallowe’en, Christmas Gala, and Volunteer Appreciation/Annual General Meeting are some of our regular celebrations.
Many individuals can attend Rehab independently without an assigned caregiver. Give us a call for specific details. We can fill in some support gaps for individuals. including things like help with life changes, finding resources, paperwork challenges. Rehab is a community, and while we are not experts, we have lots of experience to share and draw on to help you, your family or caregiver navigate the ups and downs of life. Everyone needs a supportive community, and we support strengthening whatever that community is for you, in and outside of Rehab.
Our building houses a large and completely accessible auditorium space for rent, with vaulted ceiling and original exposed oak beams, large bank of windows, accessible washrooms, and a licenced kitchen facility. Our priorities are community groups and/or individual’s hosting an occasion with a number of persons using mobility devices or with special needs. We have been able to support families needing a specialized space for weddings, and Memorial/Celebration of Life events, as an example. For more information on availability and cost, please give us a call or send an email.